On This Earth / Hello God
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Just Like The Movies
Sanctuary Of Love
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Sanctuary Of Love
歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 蔡健雅 / Jupiter
I'll block the sUn from YoUr eYes
I'll make YoU feel so loved
And when the raIn poUrs
I'll shelter YoU
Keep YoU warm
Safe In mY arms
So don't hIde
From now tIll a mIllIon Years awaY
We'll stIll belong Together
OUr love woUld fInd a waY oUt
From thIs hazY crazY world
So come Into The SanctUarY of Love I've bUIlt for YoU
Come on and see
Come on aroUnd
Come on over and be wIth me
Come Into The SanctUarY of Love I've bUIlt for YoU
Won't YoU come on and see
Come on over
I'll be there oUt on the streets
To get YoU aUtUmn leaves
Fresh dew from sprIng
And the @R_233_1908@s heat
The crYstal clear IcIcles of wInters tIme
So YoU can pUt YoUr tears awaY
And all of YoUr regrets
I assUre YoU
OUr love Is everYthIng to agaIn
And nothIng else to lose
I know YoU haven't made Up
Haven't made Up YoUr mInd
BUt sooner on later
I know I know YoU'll
Come come Into The SanctUarY of Love for YoU
I'll make YoU feel so loved
And when the raIn poUrs
I'll shelter YoU
Keep YoU warm
Safe In mY arms
So don't hIde
From now tIll a mIllIon Years awaY
We'll stIll belong Together
OUr love woUld fInd a waY oUt
From thIs hazY crazY world
So come Into The SanctUarY of Love I've bUIlt for YoU
Come on and see
Come on aroUnd
Come on over and be wIth me
Come Into The SanctUarY of Love I've bUIlt for YoU
Won't YoU come on and see
Come on over
I'll be there oUt on the streets
To get YoU aUtUmn leaves
Fresh dew from sprIng
And the @R_233_1908@s heat
The crYstal clear IcIcles of wInters tIme
So YoU can pUt YoUr tears awaY
And all of YoUr regrets
I assUre YoU
OUr love Is everYthIng to agaIn
And nothIng else to lose
I know YoU haven't made Up
Haven't made Up YoUr mInd
BUt sooner on later
I know I know YoU'll
Come come Into The SanctUarY of Love for YoU
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