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Try Try Try

歌詞來源專輯:抖音歌曲 / 抖音紅歌 /
jason mraz---Try Try Try

(heY Yo)
oh babY we can fIght lIke dogs we can fIght lIke cats
a dIrtY laUndrY needs a laUndrY man
maYbe the kIng and the qUeen shoUld laY off the caffeIne
babY breathe before YoU react
sometImes we do forget to behave and we regret what we saY
caUse words are weapons If we don’t choose’em carefUllY
ladIes and gentlemen thIs Is InstrUmental
If lIfe’s to be a bed of roses
I know I gave YoU everYthIng YoU lIke
becaUse YoU stIll gIve me bUtterflIes
If we jUst Try Try Try
jUst to be nI-nI-nIce
then the world woUld be a better place for YoU and I
If we jUst lIve oUr lIves
pUttIng oUr dIfferences asIde
oh that woUld be so beaUtIfUl to me

(heY Yo)
are we jUst danglIng In the Middle of a galaXY
well I’m stIll stoked on gravItY
to be stUck wIth YoU lIke fLowers on the dUe drops
now let It In mY dIrectIon
mY dIrectIon Is Up when everYBody’s down
caUse I Don’t mInd beIng anYBody’s cLown
I love a lIttle lIft caUse I’m an optIMistIc
In an altrUIstIc waY
caUse basIcallY thIs place Is needIng InstrUments of harmonY
spreadIng mY phIlosophY of love and InspIratIon
oh these words I speak I commIt to lIke a crIme
wIth a rhYthm I delIver I’m gIvIng them a pIctUre of the Reasons whY

we shoUld jUst Try Try Try
jUst to be nI-nI-nIce
so the world coUld be a better place for YoU and I
If we jUst lIve oUr lIves
pUttIng oUr dIfferences asIde
oh that woUld be so beaUtIfUl to me

well It woUldn’t cost a pennY bUt coUld save so manY lonelY lIves
from tearY eYes
If we jUst Try Try Try
to open Up a can of UnderstandIng open Up YoUr heart
I’m jUst plantIng seeds
caUse I belIeve
we coUld jUst Try Try Try
jUst to be nI-nI-nIce
so the world woUld be a better place for YoU and I
If we jUst lIve oUr lIves
pUttIng oUr dIfferences asIde
oh that woUld be so beaUtIfUl to me

If we coUld TryYYYYY
jUst to be nIIIIIIIce
that coUld be so beaUtIfUl to me

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White Lie