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歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 羅藝恒 /
@H_216_0@One two three@H_237_1@@H_237_1@你住的 巷子里 @H_237_1@我租了一間公寓@H_237_1@為了想與你不期而遇@H_237_1@高中年 我為什么 @H_237_1@為什么不好好讀書@H_237_1@沒考上跟你一樣的大學(xué)@H_237_1@@H_237_1@我找了份工作 @H_237_1@離你宿舍很近@H_237_1@當(dāng)我開始學(xué)會(huì)做蛋餅 @H_237_1@才發(fā)現(xiàn)你 不吃早餐@H_237_1@喔 你又擦肩而過@H_237_1@你耳機(jī)聽什么 @H_237_1@能不能告訴我@H_237_1@@H_237_1@躺在你學(xué)校的操場(chǎng)@H_237_1@看星空@H_237_1@教室里的亮著@H_237_1@你沒@H_237_1@記得 我寫給你的情書@H_237_1@都什么年代了@H_237_1@到現(xiàn)在我在寫著@H_237_1@@H_237_1@總有一天總有一年@H_237_1@會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)@H_237_1@有人默默的陪在你的身邊@H_237_1@也許 我不該在你的世@H_237_1@當(dāng)你收到情書@H_237_1@也代表我已經(jīng)遠(yuǎn)@H_237_1@@H_237_1@7th Grade@H_237_1@YoU're the gIrl@H_237_1@That fIlled the emptY seat@H_237_1@The fIrst to look mY waY and Smile at me@H_237_1@WhY everY tIme@H_237_1@TIme that I trIed@H_237_1@To Smile back at YoU In kInd@H_237_1@MY eYes woUld alwaYs hIde and drIft awaY@H_237_1@@H_237_1@BUt sLowlY daY bY daY@H_237_1@I foUnd the words to saY@H_237_1@Start to thInk of YoU@H_237_1@What coUld be@H_237_1@Together wIth me@H_237_1@What's thIs feelIng@H_237_1@Oh I can't forget that daY@H_237_1@The frIend I'd start to love@H_237_1@DIdn't feel the same@H_237_1@@H_237_1@All the songs I hoped one daY to Play for YoU@H_237_1@Now and then theIr melodIes take me back when@H_237_1@EverYthIng was sImpler and trUe@H_237_1@Now lookIng back what we went throUgh@H_237_1@I realIze how mUch I owe YoU@H_237_1@@H_237_1@As the tIme goes bY oUr lIves and feelIngs change@H_237_1@StIll the loved hope and paIn@H_237_1@These three remaIn@H_237_1@JUst lIke the gIrl who came and sat mY sIde@H_237_1@After all the Years gone bY@H_237_1@Have a chance to see her Smile agaIn

