Forever with You
歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 戚薇 / 出發(fā)愛情
We wIll be Together I wIll hold YoU tIght to me
All that I want Is YoUr love oh babY It's trUe
Let me gIve YoU mY heart mY mInd all mY soUl
BabY I do belIeve It's the waY It's shoUld be
There's heaven above thIs Is oUr destInY
Never wIll YoU be alone In the dark Anymore
GIrl YoU mesmerIze YoU make me realIze
I can't take the tIme back bUt I can sYmpathIze
All the paIn all the hUrt and all the frUstratIon
BUt don't worrY babY cUz I got YoU covered mY ladY
I'll show YoU the world
Take YoU to toUrs I gIve YoU mY word
GIvIng YoU all the thIngs that a real man shoUld gIve
GIve YoU mY loYaltY all mY trUe honestY
StephY mY roYaltY babY YoU can pUt YoUr trUst In me
All the daYs and the nIghts
We wIll be Together I wIll hold YoU tIght to me
All that I want Is YoUr love oh babY I'm so addIcted to YoU
Let me gIve YoU mY heart mY mInd all mY soUl
BabY I do belIeve It's the waY It's shoUld be
There's heaven above thIs Is oUr destInY
Never wIll YoU be alone In the dark Anymore
Open YoUr eYes look Into mY heart
ThroUgh raIn and the storms
I wIll stand bY YoUr sIde
(YoU don't have to be afraId I'll hold YoU close)
As seasons go on tIll oUr haIr fades to greY
NoBody comes between Us It's jUst YoU and me
So now here we are wIth me on mY knees to take YoUr hand
As to be YoUr man to be Forever wIth YoU
MarrY me
All that I want Is YoUr love oh babY It's trUe
Let me gIve YoU mY heart mY mInd all mY soUl
BabY I do belIeve It's the waY It's shoUld be
There's heaven above thIs Is oUr destInY
Never wIll YoU be alone In the dark Anymore
GIrl YoU mesmerIze YoU make me realIze
I can't take the tIme back bUt I can sYmpathIze
All the paIn all the hUrt and all the frUstratIon
BUt don't worrY babY cUz I got YoU covered mY ladY
I'll show YoU the world
Take YoU to toUrs I gIve YoU mY word
GIvIng YoU all the thIngs that a real man shoUld gIve
GIve YoU mY loYaltY all mY trUe honestY
StephY mY roYaltY babY YoU can pUt YoUr trUst In me
All the daYs and the nIghts
We wIll be Together I wIll hold YoU tIght to me
All that I want Is YoUr love oh babY I'm so addIcted to YoU
Let me gIve YoU mY heart mY mInd all mY soUl
BabY I do belIeve It's the waY It's shoUld be
There's heaven above thIs Is oUr destInY
Never wIll YoU be alone In the dark Anymore
Open YoUr eYes look Into mY heart
ThroUgh raIn and the storms
I wIll stand bY YoUr sIde
(YoU don't have to be afraId I'll hold YoU close)
As seasons go on tIll oUr haIr fades to greY
NoBody comes between Us It's jUst YoU and me
So now here we are wIth me on mY knees to take YoUr hand
As to be YoUr man to be Forever wIth YoU
MarrY me
《Forever with You》歌詞由查歌詞收集整理
出發(fā)愛情 (《出發(fā)吧愛情》綜藝主題曲)
出發(fā)愛情 (《出發(fā)吧愛情》綜藝主題曲)
第三人稱 (《北京女子圖鑒》網(wǎng)絡(luò)劇插曲)
鏡像 (《追捕》電影推廣曲)
Perfect Day
有個人 (《繁星四月》電視劇主題曲)
夢誅緣·春生 (《夢幻誅仙手游》半周年慶主題曲...
忘了去記得 (《我是杜拉拉》電視劇片尾曲)
我的新鮮女友 (多云版)
我的新鮮女友 (晴天版)
Forever with You
出發(fā)愛情 (《出發(fā)吧愛情》綜藝主題曲)
冬天的樹 (《我的播音系女友》電影主題插曲)
Lucky Lucky
你是對的人 (《愛情回來了》電視劇片尾曲|《天天...
你好,再見 (《??》中文版)
愛情自有天意 (《愛情自有天意》電視劇片尾曲)
原諒他 (《愛情自有天意》電視劇插曲)
我們我們 (《愛情自有天意》電視劇插曲)
為了遇見你 (《愛情自有天意》電視劇主題曲)
放開愛 (《我的經(jīng)濟(jì)適用男》電視劇片尾曲)
沒收 (《無懈可擊之高手如林》電視劇插曲)
黑白之間 (《無懈可擊之高手如林》電視劇插曲)
如果愛忘了 (《愛情睡醒了》電視劇片尾曲)