Skinny Love
歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 王詩安 / 你好嗎Love Lesson
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be balanced
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be kInd
@R_16_1273@n the mornIng I'll be wIth YoU
BUt It wIll be a dIfferent kInd
'CaUse I'll be holdIng all the tIckets
And YoU'll be ownIng all the fInes
Come on @R_261_2957@nY love what happened here
SUckle on the hope In Light brassIeres
MY mY mY mY mY mY mY-mY mY-mY
SUllen load Is fUll so sLow on the splIt
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be patIent
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be fIne
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be balanced
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be kInd
And now all YoUr love Is wasted
Then who the hell was I
'CaUse now I'm breakIng at the brIdges
And at the end of all YoUr lIes
Who wIll fIght
And who wIll Fall far behInd
Come on @R_261_2957@nY love
MY mY mY mY mY mY mY-mY mY-mY
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be kInd
@R_16_1273@n the mornIng I'll be wIth YoU
BUt It wIll be a dIfferent kInd
'CaUse I'll be holdIng all the tIckets
And YoU'll be ownIng all the fInes
Come on @R_261_2957@nY love what happened here
SUckle on the hope In Light brassIeres
MY mY mY mY mY mY mY-mY mY-mY
SUllen load Is fUll so sLow on the splIt
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be patIent
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be fIne
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be balanced
@R_16_1273@ told YoU to be kInd
And now all YoUr love Is wasted
Then who the hell was I
'CaUse now I'm breakIng at the brIdges
And at the end of all YoUr lIes
Who wIll fIght
And who wIll Fall far behInd
Come on @R_261_2957@nY love
MY mY mY mY mY mY mY-mY mY-mY
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