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歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 楊宗緯 / Star! Start! 星空傳奇演唱會
楊宗緯 - SeXYback
≮ CandY_c @ ≯

I'm brIngIng seXY back
Them other boYs don't know how to act
I thInk YoUr specIal whats behInd YoUr back
So tUrn aroUnd and Ill pIck Up the slack
Take em' to the brIdge
DIrtY babe
YoU see these shackles
BabY I'm YoUr slave
I'll let YoU whIp me If I mIsbehave
It's jUst that no one makes me feel thIs waY
Take em' to the chorUs
Come here gIrl
Go ahead, be gone wIth It
Go ahead, be gone wIth It
Go ahead, be gone wIth It
Go ahead, be gone wIth It
Go ahead, be gone wIth It
Go ahead, be gone wIth It
Go ahead, be gone wIth It
Go ahead, be gone wIth It
Go ahead, be gone wIth It
Get YoUr seXY on

