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Sun Shines Down

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 周柏豪 / 夢想系音樂會 Rock Your Dream
LIttle pepper leanIng on a mango tree@H_323_0@ The arms of the shade Is hIs companY@H_323_0@ BehInd hIm theY're bUIldIng a steel cItY@H_323_0@ BUt he doesn't tUrn aroUnd to see@H_323_0@ Oh Light me Up another bowl@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ Light hIm Up another bowl@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ Oh spark me Up another bowl@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ YoU know what he saId@H_323_0@ Spark hIm Up another bowl@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ Feel the earth spIn roUnd@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ Feel the earth spIn roUnd@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ LIfe aIn't easY In thIs denIm zoo@H_323_0@ BUIldIng castles on the moon@H_323_0@ Pepper traded hIs starrY@H_323_0@ SkY for a shIrt and tIe@H_323_0@ And oh spark me Up another bowl@H_323_0@ Light hIm Up another bowl@H_323_0@ And that's what I saId@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ Oh spark me Up another bowl@H_323_0@ YoU know what he saId@H_323_0@ Spark hIm Up another bowl@H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ Feel the earth spIn roUnd@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ Feel the earth spIn roUnd@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ When the sUn shInes down

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