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Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)

歌詞來(lái)源專輯:華語(yǔ)男歌手 / 林宥嘉 / Jazz Channel
Woo ah, mercY mercY me@H_823_0@ Ah thIngs aIn't what theY Used to be@H_823_0@ no no~Where dId all the blUe skIes go@H_823_0@ PoIson Is the wInd that bLows @H_823_0@ from the north and soUth and east@H_823_0@ @H_823_0@ Woo mercY, mercY me, @H_823_0@ Ah thIngs aIn't what theY Used to be@H_823_0@ OIl wasted on the ocean @H_823_0@ and Upon oUr seas, fIsh fUll of mercUrY@H_823_0@ @H_823_0@ Ah oh mercY, mercY me@H_823_0@ Ah thIngs aIn't what theY Used to be,@H_823_0@ RadIatIon Under groUnd and In the skY@H_823_0@ Animals and bIrds who lIve nearbY are dYIng@H_823_0@ @H_823_0@ Oh mercY, mercY me@H_823_0@ Ah thIngs aIn't what theY Used to be@H_823_0@ What aboUt thIs overcrowded land@H_823_0@ How mUch more abUse from man can she stand?@H_823_0@ @H_823_0@ CA:GAYE, MARVIN@H_823_0@ OP:@H_823_0@ SP:EMI MUSIC PUBLISHING (S.E.ASIA) LTD.,TAIWAN@H_823_0@ ISRC TW-D95-13-34104

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