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Stand By Me

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 張信哲 /
Stand BY Me

When the nIght has come
And the land Is dark
And the moon Is the Only Light we'll see

No I won't be afraId
Oh,I won't be afraId
When I Play mY gUItar
On the comer of the street
For the people who don't know where to be
If mY hands shoUld grow tIred
I'll stIll sIng mY song
JUst as long as YoU stand
Stand bY me
And darlIng darlIng
Stand bY me oh stand bY me
Oh stand now stand bY me
Stand bY me
If the skY that we look Upon
ShoUld tUmble and Fall
Or the moUntaIn shoUld crUmble to the sea

I won't crY I won't crY
No I won't shed a tear
JUst as long as YoU stand
Stand bY me
And darlIng darlIng
Stand bY me oh stand bY me
Oh stand now stand bY me
Stand bY me

Whenever YoU're In troUble
Won't YoU stand bY me
Oh stand bY me
Oh now stand now stand bY me

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I Have To Say I Love You In A Song
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