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In Love With You

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 張學友 / 真愛
JUst a gentle whIsper, told me that YoU'd gone
LeavIng Only Memories, where dId we go wrong?
I coUldn't fInd the words then, so let me saY them now
Tell me that YoU love me, tell me that YoU care
Tell me that YoU need me, and I'll be there
I wIll alwaYs love YoU
I wIll alwaYs staY trUe
There's no one who loves YoU lIke I Do
Come to me now
I wIll never leave YoU
I wIll staY here wIth YoU
ThroUgh the good and bad I wIll stand trUe
Now we're here Together, YesterdaY has past
LIfe Is jUst beGinnIng, close To You at last
And I promIse To You, I wIll alwaYs be there
LIvIng lIfe wIthoUt YoU Is more than I can bear
Hold me close Forever
I'll be there....
I wIll alwaYs love YoU
I wIll alwaYs staY trUe
There's no one who loves YoU lIke I Do
ThIs I promIse...
I wIll never leave YoU
I wIll staY here wIth YoU
ThroUgh the good and bad I wIll stand trUe
Hold me closer...
OUr love Is Forever
HoldIng Us Together
NothIng In thIs world can stop Us now
Love has foUnd
I'm In love (I so In love)
I'm In love Yes (I'm In love)
I so In love wIth YoU

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我等到花兒也謝了 (國語版)